Sale of firewood – basic information

The opening hours of the warehouse on weekdays are from 7am to 3.30pm.

To book via telephone, please call at: +420 553 787 108, +420 731 421 528 or +420 733 180 072.

Opavská lesní a.s. offers split firewood and logs.

Split firewood (coniferous, mixture of deciduous trees, beech or birch) is offered in lengths of 25 cm – 33 cm.

Beech is offered as logs in smaller diameters with a length of 1 m, spruce is offered as logs with a 50 cm diameter, length 2 m.

Of course there are transportation vehicles AVIA (container) with a capacity of 9 cubic metre/loose cubic metre or TATRA (trucks) with a capacity of 16 cubic metre/loose cubic metre.

The firewood cannot be measured using normal measuring units (the weight is greatly dependent on the humidity and the type of wood), so we measure firewood using spherical measurements – loose cubic metre, cubic metre with conversion coefficients.